The Town of Berlin honors Sharon Timmons upon her retirement as an administrative assistant in the economic development office.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Oct. 18, 2018) The Berlin Town Council last Tuesday discussed the following items during a public meeting at Town Hall:
EDU agreements
The councilmembers unanimously approved an EDU agreement for the Oceans East apartment complex, and an EDU transfer from the Berlin assisted living site to the Windy Way Farm.
Developer Blair Rinnier, representing Oceans East, said the request would allow him to ask for a building permit. He said fees involved would include $400,000 for the EDUs, a measure of water consumption known as Equivalent Dwelling Unit.
Rinnier said a certificate of occupancy for the 180-unit complex could be issued “any day now.” The vote was 5-0.
Councilman Troy Purnell recused himself from discussion on the second agreement. His son, Austin Purnell, represented the property owners, Tee Pee Development LLC.
Mayor Gee Williams said the motion involved transferring 29 EDUs from the assisted living site to Windy Way and was “basically a transfer on the same development property.”
Attorney Mark Cropper added the site had recently been approved for 30 single-family lots. He said the property already had one EDU allocated.
The vote was 4-0.
Sandpiper contract
The council held a first reading for a new franchise agreement with Sandpiper Energy Inc., to include exclusive rights to distribute and sell natural gas to the public within the Town of Berlin.
Town Administrator Laura Allen said the 10-year agreement would include a $15,000 annual administrative fee paid by Sandpiper. A public hearing was set for the next Town Council meeting, scheduled Oct. 22.
New park signage
Allen said a ribbon-cutting ceremony to unveil new environmental signs at Berlin Falls Park was scheduled for Oct. 23 at 5:30 p.m.
Public Works Director Jane Kreiter said the signs had already been installed.
Successful events
Kreiter and Electric Utilities Director Tim Lawrence both commented on the success of the recent Touch a Truck event, billed as a meet-and-greet for the public works and electric departments and offering interactive activities for the public. Lawrence said children and adults seemed to enjoy the annual event, which continues to grow in popularity.
Police Chief Arnold Downing said with that, and the recent Berlin Cruisers classic car show, there had been “a lot of folks moving in and out of the Town of Berlin, safely.”
Timmons honored
Human Resources Director Jeff Fleetwood said town officials would hold a retirement ceremony for departing administrative assistance Sharon Timmons. A ceremony was held last Thursday.
Timmons’ last official day is Oct. 19. New administrative assistant Allison Early will replace her in the economic development department.