Commissioner Diana Purnell last week presented a proclamation recognizing May as National Foster Care Month to Roberta Baldwin, director of the department of social services, and members of her team.

The Worcester County Commissioners recognized Terry and Alison Tinker last week as the 2024 Worcester County Foster Parents of the Year. Alison Tinkler is pictured with members of the Department of Social Services that were also recognized as representatives of National Foster Care Month in May.
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By Charlene Sharpe, Associate Editor
The Worcester County Commissioners recognized May as National Foster Care Month with a proclamation last week.
Commissioner Diana Purnell last week presented a proclamation for National Foster Care Month to Roberta Baldwin, director of the department of social services, and members of her team. Purnell highlighted the partnerships that exists between Baldwin’s department and members of the community to help families dealing with crisis situations.
“These ladies do a fantastic job in this county for our kids,” Purnell said. “We need to always be thankful for you.”
Baldwin thanked the commissioners and noted that she’d been in social work for 34 years.
“It is much harder now than it was when I was a young social worker,” she said. “It’s more challenging. The issues that our families and communities are facing are more challenging. The struggles are real and harder to overcome.”
Currently, Worcester County has six foster families. There are more children than that in foster care.
“So we really need the support of everyone,” she said. “We have to come together to make this work. It can’t just be the department of social services trying to do it alone. I appreciate your support and I hope I can send the message that together we certainly can accomplish this.”
The commissioners on Tuesday also recognized Terry and Alison Tinker as the 2024 Worcester County Foster Parents of the Year. The Tinkers have spent more than 30 years providing foster care to children in need. Alison Tinker said they decided to become foster parents because she was a stay-at-home mother for her children.
“You make one sandwich you make three sandwiches, you know what I mean,” she said.
She added that her children had enjoyed it as well.
“It’s very rewarding,” she said. “It’s a worthwhile thing to do.”
For information on how to become a foster parent, contact the Worcester County Department of Social Services at 410-677-6849.