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Several potential candidates attend informational mtg

Mark Mitchell, center, discusses his background during a candidate information meeting in the Ocean Pines Community Center, last Thursday.

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor

(May 3, 2018) At least one candidate reportedly filed following an informational meeting of the Ocean Pines Association Search Committee last Thursday, when much of the discussion was focused on the benefits – and perils – of public service.

Committee Chairman Ken Koroknay said his role was to stimulate community interest in the board of directors’ election.

“We want to encourage candidates from as wide a spectrum as possible,” he said. “We’re here to try to help and assist potential candidates with the application process.”

Koroknay said three board seats are up for election this year and the goal was to recruit at least five candidates. Three have reportedly filed so far.

One declared candidate, Steve Tuttle, attended the meeting.

“Our intent tonight is to … invite some folks from the elections committee and also [Association President] Doug [Parks] provide a little background,” Koroknay said.

Tom Piatti, committee member and president of The Parke homeowner’s association, said public service requires a time commitment, as well as thick skin.

“There’s no shortage of opinions out there and certainly, if we all thought the same, we wouldn’t need committees,” he said. “People will catch you at the yacht club [or] in the Food Lion and ask you questions.

“I think it’s great, supporting the community,” he added.

Committee member Cathy Gallagher said citizen involvement is critical for the community’s success.

“If everybody kind of sits back and has their own opinion and doesn’t share it or doesn’t get involved, we’re not going to go anywhere,” she said. “Being involved with your community is so important – you bring all the different skills and your background … that’s what makes us great. That’s what makes our country great [and] that’s what makes Ocean Pines great.”

She said news headlines and reports of “battles” on the board make some squeamish about public service.

“I think everybody has the intention of what’s best for the community. Sometimes we don’t always see it the same way, but … there’s a lot of things that are coming up. There’s a lot of suggestions. We’re in a growth period and the only people that can help us and make us strong are members of our community,” Gallagher said.

“If we all have the right intention and put the Pines on top of everything and put all the personal things behind [us], we’re going to be OK. But, we need people to stand up and we need people to get involved,” she added.

Parks offered three points of advice for potential candidates: know your governing documents, be willing to compromise with fellow board members, and understand “everything you do … is not going to be perceived as correct.”

“You can’t take it personally,” Parks said. “When I hear those kind of things, the first thing I do rather than get upset is say, ‘what did I miss?’

“There are no shortage of opinions in Ocean Pines,” he continued. “Rather than complain about it, embrace it. Understand it. That’s going to happen and no board, no single board member and no member of the association is going to change that, so why worry about it? Why become ingrained in some argument that really isn’t going to produce any benefit down the road?”

Parks added there is a time commitment and that some kind of board member interaction occurs virtually every day.

“Would I do it again? Yeah. Is my hair a little grayer than when I first started? Yes it is,” Parks said. “But that shouldn’t be something that lets you think that it’s not worth it. If you’re service-oriented, you stay service-oriented.”

Four potential candidates attended the meeting. Of that group only one, Mark Mitchell, spoke publicly.

Mitchell said he and his wife bought property as a summer home in 2011 and moved permanently to the Pines in 2014 after his retirement. He said he initially paid no attention to the local news.

“When we moved here I started reading [the Gazette] and Joe’s [Reynolds] forum and started getting interested in what’s going on,” Mitchell said. “It stirred me enough me that I wanted to come and see for myself … just what some of the discussions are about.”

From his view, Mitchell said progress was made during the last two years as far as the tone of board interactions.

“My key thing is fiscal responsibility,” he said. “I’m not going to vote to spend money on anything unless I’m firmly convinced that we need it.”

The candidate application deadline is May 10. Applications can be obtained from the administration building on 239 Ocean Parkway, online at, or from any member of the Ocean Pines Search Committee. For a full list of committee members, visit