By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer

Ed Solum
(June 13, 2019) Edward Solum, 73, believes the Ocean Pines Board of Directors needs to be more throughout and transparent with projects and other aspects which could affect the community, prompting him to run.
Initially a seasonal resident, Solum, now retired after 45 years as a lawyer, wants to make a contribution to the association with his experiences. Having graduated from law school at Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Solum believes there needs to be more openness regarding funds used toward infrastructure and other costly projects.
“In light of the fact that Ocean Pines has been here for 50 years – that’s a long time – we’re starting to realize that some major issues with regards to infrastructure are becoming apparent and I think that resolutions to some of those issues is going to require some introduction of some capital infusion,” Solum said. “Whenever you talk about spending other people’s money, it always becomes a hot topic. I think there needs to be a diligent and intense effort made to establish what all the relevant facts are with regard to how other people’s money is being spent.”
Solum knows this year has thrown some curveballs for the current board of directors, particularly with the issue of finding a permanent general manager and the introduction of a traffic roundabout concept. That is part of the job, he said.
“When you’re a member of the board, when you first come on to the board, there are a lot of things that happen during the period of your service that maybe you didn’t anticipate,” Solum said. “As the year progresses, issues progress and manifest themselves and it requires intense study and evaluation before proper decisions.”
One of his main focuses is to bring more transparency to the processes the board undergoes when determining projects and other major decisions.
“I’ve always believed that a thorough investigation and consideration of all the relevant facts will generally lead to the best conclusion, devoid of any emotional, personal or political considerations,” Solum said.
This being said, Solum says he has noticed some discord between the current board and former members which could lead to confusion.
“I noted that there is an effort by former members of the board that has been undertaken as a self-motivated action,” he said. “I look at that as an issue … because you can’t govern if you can’t come to an equilibrium with regards of understanding the facts and procedures to the point where discord and confusion controls the situation.
“I think it is absolutely paramount that anybody elected to the board has to come on with philosophy of cooperation to eliminate independent efforts from outside the board,” Solum continued. “There’s got to be cohesion and cooperation.”