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Aquatics Committee talks future thoughts

OPA Operations Director Colby Phillips, left, reviews ongoing upgrades at the Sports Core Pool, while Aquatics Committee member John Noonan and Committee Chair Kathy Grimes provide insights about product selections on Monday.

By Greg Ellison

(Aug. 29, 2019) Although hot, humid weather urging people to seek relief in the water is winding down, the Ocean Pines Aquatics Committee this week discussed potential projects at the Sports Core Pool and Mumford’s Landing Pool.

Committee Chairwoman Kathy Grimes went into new business matters during the meeting on Monday by receiving an update on work to replace pool decking and parking lot improvements at the Sports Core complex.

Ocean Pines Operations Director Colby Phillips said parking lot striping would begin in the next few days contingent on weather conditions.

“We gained a few more spots,” she said.

Phillips also noted a new drainage pipe was installed at the location.

By next week, Phillips anticipates the Sports Core Pool will be reopened after installation of new flooring is completed.

Although draining the Sports Core Pool is usually done after Labor Day, Phillips said next year the procedure will be completed on a weekday before Labor Day.

“Staff-wise, closing the week before Labor Day makes sense,” she said. “We know we’re going to lose staff.”

With next fiscal year budget preparations about to get underway, Phillips also discussed nonresident rate changes for pool facilities operated by the OPA.

“My thought process was to present to [General Manager] John [Viola] daily cost rates for nonresidents,” she said. “Not only for nonresidents paying at the door, but also with the coupon card.”

Phillips also said guests of residents would receive the lower rate.

“When people are using the swipe card we can look and see how people get in,” she said. “It gives me the data of the usage.”

Despite the high percentage of non-resident use at the Beach Club pool, Phillips said the majority of users are residents.

“The Sports Core Pool is maybe 30 percent non-residents because of the classes,” she said.

Grimes agreed the data collection was crucial.

“That’s useful information down the road for us,” she said.

Phillips said she is not necessarily suggesting raising rates.

“I don’t want too big of a price difference to discourage use,” she said. “Also, we upped membership prices last year.”

Phillips said when rates were last raised, they went from $9 to an even $10 charge.

“Do we raise it to $12?” she said. “I’d rather have less than none.”

Grimes concurred that altering prices should be done diligently.

“We don’t want to be too greedy,” she said.

Phillips noted the coupon card does knock $1 off the entrance price.

“People have asked about couples memberships,” she said. “We can discuss that as we’re opening conversations.”

Phillips also suggested the Beach Club pool rate could be raised separately from other facilities.

Phillips mentioned several inquiries have been received about adding a children’s slide at the Mumford’s Landing Pool.

Further research is needed to determine the feasibility of the proposal, Phillips said.

With autumn approaching, Phillips said swimming activities tend to lessen.

“We were busy … obviously in July …. and the beginning of August,” she said. “Now is the slowest time with people prepping for school.”

Regardless of which future projects are undertaken, Phillips said regular pool maintenance needs are minimal.

“Everything we’ve needed thus far … has been fully supported by John [Viola] and the Board,” she said. “As I need it, it’s been granted.”