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Landscapes VP talks mgmt. style

(March 5, 2015) With Billy Casper Golf out as manager of the Ocean Pines golf club and Landscapes Unlimited taking over following the 4-3 vote on Feb. 20 by Ocean Pines Association Board of Directors, two questions remain: what is this Nebraska-based company all about and what do its people know about golf?
Founded in 1976 by landscape architect William “Bill” Kubly, the company develops and manages more than 50 courses nationwide and employs more than 1,200 “team members” during peak season.
Landscapes Vice President Mark Mattingly spoke to the Bayside Gazette about the company’s plans for the Ocean Pines course.
Mattingly said Landscapes became aware of the request for proposal at the course and immediately contacted to the association “to request to be involved in the process.”
“Our regional presence in nearby Annapolis, Md. made this a natural fit for our company,” he said. “Our team made several trips to the club/area, spent extensive time researching the club, the HOA as a whole, spoke with local residents and former staff members, and reviewed the local competitive balance within the marketplace. In addition, the OPA Board provided a great deal of detailed financial history of the club in the original RFP dating all the way back to 2007.”
Asked how Landscape’s management style would differ from Casper, Mattingly stressed the course’s function as an amenity.  
“We have a great deal of respect for the success the BCG [Billy Casper Golf] has achieved in growing non-member play, and we intend to nurture that aspect of the business going forward,” Mattingly said. “However, it is our belief that Ocean Pines Golf and Country Club is, above all, a lifestyle amenity of the Ocean Pines homeowner experience. As such, our goal is to rebuild the strong connection that used to exist between the residents of Ocean Pines and the golf course through membership, homeowner play and club events within the HOA.”
Mattingly said the company was informed of the board’s decision on Feb. 20, and confirmed the company “would be accountable to the homeowners within Ocean Pines by way of the board of directors.”
Casper had previously reported to the board through the general manager.  
Landscapes Unlimited will take over operations of the course on April 30.