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Town Council appoints commission member

Matthew Stoehr

By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer

(Dec. 12, 2019) Berlin resident Matthew Stoehr was appointed to the Berlin Planning Commission Monday night in an unanimous decision by the Town Council.

Mayor Gee Williams said he was referred to Stoehr by several people, and after interviewing him, Williams said he felt confident in his appointment selection.

“We talked extensively, not only about his background, but about the town, where it’s been, [and] the different directions or destinations the town could conceivably go in for over the next 20 years or more,” Williams told the Bayside Gazette.

When selecting a candidate for an appointment, Williams said he considers several factors, including character, experience and willingness to serve on the board or commission.

“The main thing is to look for someone who really cares about the community and shows interest and enthusiasm for the position,” Williams said.

Williams also said that having a younger member on the commission could add a new perspective.

“The idea is to constantly develop new leaders in our … community’s decision making and policy making, so that was an added plus,” Williams said. “It was not only his age, but his experience and his knowledge of the area and of the town.”

Stoehr is replacing Berlin Planning Commission member Barb Stack, who’s “term ran out,” according to Williams. Stoehr will serve a five-year term.

Stoehr, co-owner of Poseidon Plumbing & Home Services, said “this is a great opportunity for me to give back.”

When he’s not working, Stoehr said he enjoys walking his dog or eating at restaurants in Berlin.

“I spend a lot of time in this town,” he said during the Town Council meeting.

The council voted 4-0 in favor of the appointment. Councilman Thom Gulyas was absent from Monday’s meeting.