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Ocean Pines Aquatics Briefs

By Greg Ellison

(Feb. 6, 2020) The Ocean Pines Aquatics Committee on Monday discussed limiting the time patrons can lay claim to chairs and tables at pool facilities, talked about safety concerns during peak evening usage and welcomed three proposed members awaiting  board approval.

Tables and chairs policy

Committee Chairwoman Kathy Grimes said pool regulations for next season were recently reviewed by the group after concerns were raised about patrons saving chairs and tables, specifically at the yacht club pool.

“It’s stated that in two hours the stuff has to be moved,” she said. “The question I have is who is going to pick up somebody else’s stuff and move it?”

OPA pool policies state, “belongings left unattended on pool furniture for more than two hours is subject to being moved.”

Committee member Brooks Ensor said the issue became evident last season while he was assisting with lifeguarding.

“I noticed, especially on weekends at the yacht club, people would come in, plant stuff, disappear and leave others without seats,” he said. “There was one weekend they had a line and wouldn’t let anybody else in because there were no more chairs available.”

Ensor suggested the policy could be promoted to pool users by front desk agents and lifeguards.

“We need to educate them when they come in,” he said.

In other instances, patrons make a beeline when pool facilities open simply to mark territory.

“We do have people come in early in the morning put their towels there and maybe they’ll show up at three in the afternoon,” he said. “We’ve got to be fair to all.”

The matter needs to be properly communicated as people enter pool facilities, Ensor said.

“We need to train guards and staff to be proactive,” he said. “If there’s 15 people in the pool and I see 30 chairs with towels on [them], somethings not right.”

Prime-time scheduling

Ensor also raised concerns about crowded conditions at the Sports Core Pool during evening hours.

“We are having issues with so many things going on in the pool that I’m worried about a little bit of safety,” he said.

Ensor related a scene where four pool lanes were being used by swim teams and a group of teenagers were having a free swim period.

“I’m really worried as an instructor of having somebody from recreation swim jumping in on one of my kids in lessons,” he said.

Fearing the crowded scene was an accident waiting to happen, Ensor brought the issue to the committee for scheduling considerations.

“We’re maxing out where we don’t have enough pool space to put things in,” he said. “On Fridays it can be very hectic if there’s a birthday party.”

Grimes said both matters would be investigated and discussed at a subsequent meeting.

New members

Three proposed new committee members, Ellen Hench, Kim Meekins and John Reeves attended the meeting to observe.

Grimes said the trio who expressed interest in joining the committee would not be eligible to vote until they are approved by the OPA Board of Directors .

Grimes said in all likelihood the group would be approved this same week during the board meeting on Wednesday.