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Parks stays focused on reelection

By Greg Ellison

(July 16, 2020) OPA President Doug Parks responded this week to what he said was potentially misinterpreted news coverage implying he would resign from the board of directors.

“I felt it was important to get some information out there to say, ‘I don’t dislike being president and, no, I’m not resigning from the board,’” he said.

Parks, who was elected in August 2017, is vying for a second term. Also competing for one of the two  open seats are incumbent Dr. Colette Horn and challenger Stuart Lakernick.

OPA declaration of restrictions permits members to serve two consecutive three-year terms followed by at least one year on the sidelines.

Parks said the rumor mill regarding his candidacy kicked into high gear based on his comments to Vice President Steve Tuttle and other board members that another director should take on the presidency should he be re-elected.

“I was honored by my colleagues for the past three years to be elected by them to be the president of the organization,” he said. “In those, especially the last two years, we have really … righted the ship.”

Parks said the turnaround has been evident not only on profit-and-loss statements but also in the improved communication among board members.

“This board in getting along with one another by sharing differences of opinion and arriving at a decision that everybody’s had some input on,” he said.

Parks said his goal is building consensus among board members.

“Let’s let everybody’s opinion and perspective on things be heard,” he said.

While not losing a general desire to serve as president, Parks said he thought it “sends the wrong message to the membership that the only reason I’m running is to be president again,” he said. “At the end of the day its good optics for someone else to be in the position of president.”

The seven board members vote annually to assign officer positions that include president, vice president, treasurer and secretary.

He said he would serve as president if he is asked, and is reelected, but his preference would be to let someone else take over the post.