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Wor. Board of Edu. District 5 incumbent seeks re-election

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Elena McComas

(Oct. 22, 2020) Elena McComas, the District 5 member of the Worcester County Board of Education, is seeking re-election on Nov. 3.

McComas, 73, has been on the board for the past four years.

“Education is my passion,” she said. “I love working with kids and teachers to help improve and maintain our classroom excellence.”

McComas has spent 25 years as a public school science teacher in Maryland and California, with five years at the university level as a science education instructor and student teacher supervisor.

Her campaign focuses on the safety of students, educators and staff.

“My number one issue is getting our students back into the classroom safely in a timely manner following the covid pandemic,” she said. “Our school district is doing an excellent job of following health department and CDC guidelines. Kudos to our administration, teachers and staff for their heroic efforts to continue to make this happen!”

McComas also aims to retain outstanding teachers in the county school system.

“I will absolutely continue to help give them the tools they need to teach, look to maintain smaller class sizes and continue providing steps and raises within our financial confines,” she said.

McComas has lived in Worcester County for seven years. She grew up in Salisbury and spent childhood summers in Ocean City.

For more information, contact McComas via email at