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Ocean Pines to operate food truck?

(Jan. 28, 2016) One of the more peculiar items in the proposed 2017 Ocean Pines Association budget is a $55,000 capital purchase of a food truck to be operated by the association.
A capital project worksheet included in the draft of the budget was prepared by Yacht Club Manager Jerry Lewis, with a target completion date of May 15.
Lewis wrote that the truck would provide “on site catering” for the Cove restaurant, which is located inside the yacht club, along with the Mumford’s Landing pool, farmer’s market and “various recreation programs and events.”
He added that the truck would “expand and enhance … guest experience for those who attend various functions and events.”
At the bottom of the worksheet are instructions to attach supporting data, including project specifications and cost estimates. A photograph of the Rosenfeld’s Jewish Delicatessen food truck was printed on the following page. No additional information was provided.
Reached for comment, Warren Rosenfeld said he was not affiliated with the project – nor was he even aware of it.
“I’m hearing it for the first time, wondering why in the hell they think they should be buying a food truck,” he said. “And, my food truck costs less than 40 percent of that. I’m really wondering what they think they’re going to do with a $55,000 food truck.
“If that means I can’t be at any of their events, then, whatever. I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” he added.
An Ocean Pines resident, Rosenfeld noted that when he first bought his food truck he parked it his driveway and immediately received a violation notice.
“I’m interested to see where they’re going to keep their food truck,” he said.