(Feb. 4, 2016) The Maryland Coastal Bays Program (MCBP) is hosting a free seminar on septic systems Thursday, Feb. 4 at the Bishopville Fire House beginning at 7 p.m.
Although the subject may not appear appealing, those relying on septic systems will be provided with information including topics from why a properly functioning septic system matters, how they work to the dos and don’ts for septic system maintenance.
Jennifer Dindinger, regional watershed restoration specialist to the Sea Grant Extension Program, will be leading the presentation. The Maryland Sea Grant Extension program specialists focus on finding practical solutions to problems that affect Marylanders. They help communities improve the quality of their water.
They also assist seafood businesses with developing new and profitable products and draw on the best scientific research and analyses available to inform the sound conservation and business practices.
Based in Cambridge and serving four counties on the Eastern Shore, Dindinger is tasked with developing a program that builds community development and civic engagement while promoting natural resource protection. Dindinger holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Policy from Bard College and a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology from the University of Delaware. She is a senior fellow in the Environmental Leadership Program, and in 2014, Dindinger was awarded the Off-Campus Junior Faculty Award for her contribution to the UME 2014-2019 Strategic Plan.
MCBP is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit that partners with organizations such as the Maryland Sea Grant Extension to provide community outreach on sound practices to protect our coastal bays. Donations make it possible for MCBP to continue its work of protecting the coastal bays, and are tax deductible.
RSVP to Jennifer Rafter at the MCBP office by calling 410-213-2297 x 109 or by email at jrafter@mdcoastalbays.org if planning on attending this event.
Although the subject may not appear appealing, those relying on septic systems will be provided with information including topics from why a properly functioning septic system matters, how they work to the dos and don’ts for septic system maintenance.
Jennifer Dindinger, regional watershed restoration specialist to the Sea Grant Extension Program, will be leading the presentation. The Maryland Sea Grant Extension program specialists focus on finding practical solutions to problems that affect Marylanders. They help communities improve the quality of their water.
They also assist seafood businesses with developing new and profitable products and draw on the best scientific research and analyses available to inform the sound conservation and business practices.
Based in Cambridge and serving four counties on the Eastern Shore, Dindinger is tasked with developing a program that builds community development and civic engagement while promoting natural resource protection. Dindinger holds a Master’s degree in Environmental Policy from Bard College and a Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology from the University of Delaware. She is a senior fellow in the Environmental Leadership Program, and in 2014, Dindinger was awarded the Off-Campus Junior Faculty Award for her contribution to the UME 2014-2019 Strategic Plan.
MCBP is a 501 (c) (3) nonprofit that partners with organizations such as the Maryland Sea Grant Extension to provide community outreach on sound practices to protect our coastal bays. Donations make it possible for MCBP to continue its work of protecting the coastal bays, and are tax deductible.
RSVP to Jennifer Rafter at the MCBP office by calling 410-213-2297 x 109 or by email at jrafter@mdcoastalbays.org if planning on attending this event.