(April 7, 2016) The third workshop in a series to educate community members on local conservation efforts will be held on Friday, April 8 at the Lower Shore Land Trust office in Berlin, from 1-3 p.m.
The workshop will cover the landscape level restoration efforts along the Pocomoke River and will include a tour of the wetland restoration efforts.
Attendees will hear from Mike Dryden from the Nature Conservancy and Brian Jennings from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources about the landscape level restoration along the Pocomoke River and learn how wetland restoration improves water quality.
Dryden, project manager and outreach coordinator of The Nature Conservancy, works with landowners to implement large scale floodplain and headwater restoration on private and state owned property.
Pre-registration is required for the workshop and can be done by calling the Lower Shore Land Trust Office at 410-641-4467 or by contacting Victoria Bauer at vbauer@lowershorelandtrust.org. Registration is free and open to the public. Light refreshments provided.
The workshop will cover the landscape level restoration efforts along the Pocomoke River and will include a tour of the wetland restoration efforts.
Attendees will hear from Mike Dryden from the Nature Conservancy and Brian Jennings from the Maryland Department of Natural Resources about the landscape level restoration along the Pocomoke River and learn how wetland restoration improves water quality.
Dryden, project manager and outreach coordinator of The Nature Conservancy, works with landowners to implement large scale floodplain and headwater restoration on private and state owned property.
Pre-registration is required for the workshop and can be done by calling the Lower Shore Land Trust Office at 410-641-4467 or by contacting Victoria Bauer at vbauer@lowershorelandtrust.org. Registration is free and open to the public. Light refreshments provided.