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Berlin Council approves street work, meters

By Greg Ellison

(Jan. 27,2022) The Berlin Town Council awarded bids for street repairs and replacing a well, and approved request for proposals to update water meters during its meeting on Monday.

Starting with street repairs, Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood said a trio of bids were received on Dec. 15 to repair Decatur Street, East Graham Avenue and Stevenson Lane, along with excavating the walking path in Stephen Decatur Park.

Fleetwood said George & Lynch submitted the lowest bid at $166,000.

“They were lower than our original estimate,” he said.

Finance Director Natalie Saleh said funding for the project was previously earmarked.

“For FY 22, we have allocated state highway funding and impact fees to cover the $166,000,” she said.

Next on the agenda was awarding a contract to replace the failing Branch Street well.

“In simple terms, it had collapsed at the base,” he said.

Fleetwood said a pair of bids for the project’s first phase were received on Dec. 15 with Delaware-based A.C. Schultes coming in lowest at $64,581.

“The total cost to replace the well, motors and pumps is up to $350,000,” he said.

Fleetwood said during a discussion on the topic in October, the council approved designating American Rescue Act funds for the project.

In addition to requesting contract approval from council,  Fleetwood also sought a motion to allocate funding.

“We can’t touch the ARPA money unless there’s a formal motion,” he said.

The council also signed off on a pair of requests for proposals to purchase and install smart water meters to replace outdated equipment.

“Mechanical meters, the day they come out of the box, they begin to fail,” he said.

To this point, about 400 meters have been identified as needing repair.

Based on the size of the project, town officials opted to call for separate bids for procurement and installation. “We thought it would be financially prudent to break this down,” he said. “It could be the same company in the end.”

Josh Taylor of Davis, Bowen & Friedel Inc. said the town might be able to save on some costs by buying meters directly from the manufacturer.

“We’re going to be ordering over 2,000 meters and there’s no need to pay a middleman for the cost of the meters,” he said.

Fleetwood said initial price estimates are roughly $1 million to upgrade water meters.

“Yes, we’re seeking approval for money [but] the main purpose of tonight is to move forward with the RFPs,” he said.

Fleetwood said final funding allocation would occur after bids were in hand.

After work begins, Taylor would create a street map to chart progress, Fleetwood said.

“To be able to show the public and council from day one after the meters arrive, here’s where we’re at as far as the installation,” he said.