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Horn pledges to shorten meetings

By Greg Ellison

(April 28, 2022) In light of the past two Ocean Pines Board meetings running over three hours, Association President Colette Horn unveiled a new tactic this week to quicken the pace.

Speaking during the board meeting last Wednesday, Horn apologized for the extended discussions during board meetings in March and February.

“I want to apologize for the punishingly long meeting we had last month,” she said

The board meeting on March 23 lasted just over three hours, while the meeting on Feb. 23 was slightly longer.

In hopes of keeping meetings to a “reasonable time frame,” Horn proposed enacting “agenda management.”

“Keeping the agenda at a level that would be appropriate for a reasonable length of meeting,” she said.

To that end, Horn has issued Assistant Executive Secretary Linda Martin a handbell and assigned timekeeper duties.

“When remarks reach the five-minute mark, she will ring that little bell to alert us time is up and we’ll move onto the next speaker,” she said.

Horn said Director Doug Parks had quipped the past few board meetings may have set records for the longest ever.

If the approach is successful, Horn said the practice would be continued.

“I also have asked colleagues to be mindful of time in our discussions and to try to avoid redundancy and unnecessary repetition,” she said.

During president remarks on April 20. Horn also noted homeowners could anticipate receiving referendum ballots for as host of proposed bylaw revisions in the coming days.

“It gives [residents] an opportunity to vote on bylaws,” she said.

Homeowners are being presented with 28 potential changes to bylaws with ballots due back by May 19 at 4 p.m.

“The board supports these revisions and urge [residents] to vote in favor of each one,” she said.

The language changes under consideration were written during a year-plus process involving the Bylaws and Resolutions Committee, a related subcommittee and the board of directors.

“The goal is to clear up inconsistencies and lack of clarity in existing bylaws and to protect us from future litigation,” she said.

Ballots are required to be submitted using the included return envelope or otherwise would be considered void.

To cast a referendum ballot homeowners must have paid 2021 assessments by April 15.

Ballots will be counted on May 20 starting at 10 a.m. in the Administration Building. The process, which is open to the public, will be recorded and posted online on the association website.

To request a duplicate ballot or to inquire about other issues related to the referendum, email or call 410-208-3989.
For questions about voter eligibility, email