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Snow Hill raises amusement tax

(May 19, 2016) To mirror what is charged in Pocomoke City, the Snow Hill Town Council voted to increase the amusement tax from two percent to five percent during last week’s council meeting.
Despite not being a huge moneymaker for the town, certain proposals — including an excursion train linking Snow Hill with Berlin that is still very much in the planning stages — would have an effect on town finances eventually, Mayor Charlie Dorman said. Dorman said he wanted the town to be prepared should an amusement renaissance occur.
The amusement tax is collected via the state comptroller’s office for Maryland’s counties and Baltimore City, incorporated cities, towns and the Maryland Stadium Authority. The rate, according to the comptroller’s office, is set by municipalities between one-half and 10 percent of gross receipts from use or rental of sports equipment, the sale of merchandise, refreshments or services at a nightclub or entertainment venue and admissions.
According to state figures as of Sept. 1, 2015, this change ties Snow Hill with Pocomoke City for the highest percentage rate charged in the area. Ocean City charges three percent, as do the unincorporated county areas. Berlin now has the lowest rate, at two percent.
Worcester County rates are generally lower than in Wicomico, which charges professional baseball-related activities 10 percent, while most others are six percent. Movies in Salisbury are charged five percent in amusement tax, and “other activities” are charged four and one-half percent.