(Nov. 24, 2016) Described as a sort of training wheels program for the more formal Main Street Maryland program by economic development consultant Michael Day, the Town of Snow Hill has recently earned a spot in the state’s Main Street Affiliate program.
“We’re going to do what we did in Berlin,” Day said. “Where we pretended like we were a Main Street community for three years before we applied and got it.”
Enrollment in the affiliate program gives local government and businesses time to adjust to the requirements of the program and any changes that could be in store.
“Participation in the Affiliate program gives communities an important set of principals, guidelines and examples that may immediately be put into practice,” the application materials read. “Following an initial site visit and assessment, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development staff will work with the community to develop an Affiliate Action Plan that will provide information on resources the local government and stakeholders can utilize to meet their specific commercial district challenges.”
The program provides access to funding and technical support for towns seeking to revitalize their traditional business districts.
“Resources … include available funding from DHCD and other state agencies as well as access to the … network of local nonprofits and government agencies, a range of expert consultants and targeted professional consultation,” the application reads.
Day said the town’s formal application to the Main Street program was still a few years away, unless the program takes off, in which case he said he would adjust his timeline.
“The affiliate program is not a full Main Street designation, but is a new program the State of Maryland’s Dept. of Housing and Community Development is offering for communities that may not be interested in or not quite ready for the full designation, which has a much more involved application process, and requires the commitment of a staff person to the Main Street program,” Susan Sheppard, project manager for the state program, said. “The affiliate program offers technical assistance and one on one time with our DHCD staff that can help them get to the full designation, and/or focus on certain areas of their downtown revitalization plan.”
“We’re going to do what we did in Berlin,” Day said. “Where we pretended like we were a Main Street community for three years before we applied and got it.”
Enrollment in the affiliate program gives local government and businesses time to adjust to the requirements of the program and any changes that could be in store.
“Participation in the Affiliate program gives communities an important set of principals, guidelines and examples that may immediately be put into practice,” the application materials read. “Following an initial site visit and assessment, Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development staff will work with the community to develop an Affiliate Action Plan that will provide information on resources the local government and stakeholders can utilize to meet their specific commercial district challenges.”
The program provides access to funding and technical support for towns seeking to revitalize their traditional business districts.
“Resources … include available funding from DHCD and other state agencies as well as access to the … network of local nonprofits and government agencies, a range of expert consultants and targeted professional consultation,” the application reads.
Day said the town’s formal application to the Main Street program was still a few years away, unless the program takes off, in which case he said he would adjust his timeline.
“The affiliate program is not a full Main Street designation, but is a new program the State of Maryland’s Dept. of Housing and Community Development is offering for communities that may not be interested in or not quite ready for the full designation, which has a much more involved application process, and requires the commitment of a staff person to the Main Street program,” Susan Sheppard, project manager for the state program, said. “The affiliate program offers technical assistance and one on one time with our DHCD staff that can help them get to the full designation, and/or focus on certain areas of their downtown revitalization plan.”