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Berlin taps fmr Bowie city manager

(Jan. 26, 2017) Two weeks ago a cadre of residents stormed a mayor and council meeting in Berlin to demand a stake in renaming Berlin Falls park.
On Monday, the town introduced a new hire related to the park and announced the membership of a committee that will work to establish a town-wide policy for naming public lands.
David Deutsch will be the new project coordinator at Berlin Falls. The former city manager of Bowie, Deutsch will help oversee the park’s development. Most recently, he served as the interim city manager of Westminster.
Mayor Gee Williams said Deutsch would start on Tuesday, and that the position had just been created.
Making reference to the previous council meeting, Williams made light of the temporary name of the park and said Deutsch would have a wide range of obligations there.
“It’s not just a park – it’s not about just activities, it is trying to meet a variety of needs that were expressed two years ago when we had our strategic planning sessions,” Williams said. “[The park] will give us some unique attributes that I think will be a source of community pride and also will make us an even stronger destination community, which is vital to our town economy.”
Deutsch has owned a home in Ocean Pines for about 15 years, Williams said.
“It’s a great opportunity for the community and I appreciate the confidence that you’ve demonstrated with me,” Deutsch said. “Clearly it’s going to be a team effort, and once the project goes through a couple of phases I think the community will be really amazed at what can be produced out there. Developing consensus as we go through the project will be part of where I think I can be helpful in facilitating the various kinds of community meetings … that need to happen.”
Williams spoke about the establishment of the committee during the closing minutes of the meeting. A motion was passed to create the advisory group two weeks ago.
“I think it’s a very good concept,” Williams said, adding the committee would not work on a deadline and would help write, “Policies that will apply to a variety of potential situations for not just parks, but other publically-owned property.”
The six voting members on the committee are councilmembers Dean Burrell and Zackery Tyndall, Berlin Parks Commission Chairman Mike Wiley, Berlin Historic District Commission Chairwoman Carol Rose, Berlin Arts & Entertainment Committee Chairwoman Heather Layton and resident Bill Todd.
Todd brought a petition with 300 signatures advocating the renaming of the park in honor of former mailman James Tingle to the council two weeks ago, spurring the creation of the committee.
Berlin Town Administrator Laura Allen will serve as coordinator of the committee and act as a tiebreaker in case of a stalemate. Town Attorney David Gaskill will also serve as an administrative, nonvoting member of the committee.
A motion to approve the “Naming Parks and Public Spaces Committee” and its membership passed without dissent.