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Berlin approves more funding for stormwater

(June 29, 2017) The Berlin mayor and Town Council approved $396,470 for the William Street culvert replacement, a major stormwater project, at their meeting on Monday.
Darl Kolar from EA Engineering, Science and Technology Inc., the town’s consulting firm on stormwater projects, said the contract would be awarded to low bidder Goody Hill Groundwork, from Berlin.
Most of the funding for the project came from grants from FEMA and the Department of Natural Resources. Kolar said the work on William Street, part of a larger three-phase effort on town-wide stormwater mitigation, would benefit the Hudson Branch area by widening the old culvert and providing immediate relief in the area near the town electric plant.
He said town stormwater improvements, including finished work on Flower Street, ongoing efforts on West Street and planned improvements on Graham, Grice and Nelson streets, would benefit, but perhaps not eliminate area flooding, which has been a major problem for several decades.
He added issues with utilities in each area were making the work difficult.
“I would say reduced, [but would] be hesitant to say significantly reduced,” Kolar said. “When we get over to Franklin and Nelson, it’s really difficult. There are a utilities there [and] we have utility conflicts going through.”
Kolar said engineering models show the entire culvert system in the town is undersized and said upgrading it would take time – and patience.
“[It will be] considerably reduced, but we still have a ways to go,” he said. “There’s numerous areas that haven’t really been addressed. We’re going to continue to seek funding.”
Berlin Mayor Gee Williams said the stormwater utility in Berlin is not going away, adding that upgrading the system is an ongoing project.
Administrative Services Director Mary Bohlen reported that the cost for all three phases of improvements is about $1.9 million, with all but about $60,000 covered by grants. The town, either through matching funds or in-kind services, covered the remaining portion.
“It’s a pretty good deal,” Bohlen said.
The council also unanimously approved annual contracts for Worcester Youth and Family Counseling Services, $40,300, and to D3 for website maintenance and design, $1,500.
A contract with Cards Technology, for monthly services to the town, was also approved. The amount of the contract was not announced.