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Berlin spray paint vandal cases over; some fines paid

(Aug. 3, 2017) At the third violation of probation hearing for Jordan Denton and Nicholas Bonser, on July 21, District Court Judge Gerald Purnell made them an offer: pay the remaining $500 in supervision fees assessed by the state that day, and the cases would be closed.
According to the State’s Attorney’s office, Bonser made good on his obligations, but Denton did not. Purnell ordered both cases closed anyway, Deputy State’s Attorney Billy McDermott confirmed last week.
Denton, Bonser and an unidentified juvenile were arrested in January 2015 after buildings, cars and other public property in Berlin was spray painted with movie quotes, catchphrases and crude drawings.
The damages were estimated to be about $11,000, but the trio was ordered to pay about $8,300 in restitution along with community service and other requirements.
The hearing, which was first about Denton failing to meet the conditions of her probation by failing required drug testing, became about the $500 the trio had not paid as part of their restitution.
The $8,300 figure was off, Probation Agent Michelle Peeples said, because it failed to account for supervision fees assessed by the state that should have been included in the restitution figure.
Denton was able to prove she had a prescription for the medication that caused her to fail the drug test. However, she had tested positive for marijuana use several times during her probation, which ultimately led to her being sentenced to five days in jail at the beginning of the year.
Bonser failed to complete a required treatment program and was also sentenced to five days in jail a couple of weeks after Denton.
Purnell warned the pair during that hearing that if he saw either of them back in court again they would serve out the remainder of their sentence — 55 days.
Deputy State’s Attorney Paul Haskell requested the court fulfill that promise during the hearing, but was waved off by Purnell.
Both Denton and Bonser were considered compliant with the other terms of their probation, and so Purnell offered the deal — pay the $167 each, and close the case.
The pair agreed to make payments that day, but only Bonser did.
The matter is now considered closed by the court.