“Forget the pressure of pre-requisites or tests. The lectures and seminars, which are open to the public, are high-energy learning opportunities,” Ocean Pines Marketing and Public Relations Director Denise Sawyer said. “Intended for adult learners of all ages, the classes aim to engage participants with intellectual enrichment through a variety of thought-provoking discussions in an expert-led workshop setting.”
Delmarva’s Window to the World
Dr. David Burns of Salisbury University’s Communication Arts Department will host a five-week course called “Delmarva’s Window to the World: Global Journalism and the Local Media Landscape,” from 4-5:30 p.m. on Wednesdays, Oct. 4-Nov. 1, at the Ocean Pines Community Center on 235 Ocean Parkway.
Topics include “The Birth: Radio and War (the Great Depression to World War II),” “The Freeze: the Electronic Media and War Correspondence (World War II to the 1960s),” “The Expansion: Post-World War II Media (1960-1990s),” “The Consolidation: Deregulation and Its Impact on News and Information (1990-2010)” and “the Personalization: Citizen Journalism and Augmented Reality (2010-Present).”
The course fee is $35. To register, visit www.salisbury.edu/cell.
Writing Your Memoir: From Draft to Craft
In this class, explore what takes a piece of personal writing “from draft to craft,” looking at elements such as character development, incorporating sensory detail and writing in scenes.
Delmarva Review editor Emily Rich teaches the course “Writing Your Memoir: From Draft to Craft,” from 9-10:30 a.m. on Thursdays, Oct. 12-Nov. 16, at the Ocean Pines Community Center.
Participants will explore personal writing, examine writing elements such as character development, incorporating sensory detail and writing scenes. In addition to work-shopping writing, those taking the class will also read essays on the craft and sample works of successful memoirists.
Presented through CELL’s Lighthouse Literary Guild series, the course fee is $60. To register, visit www.salisbury.edu/cell.
Environmental Studies in Ocean Pines
Salisbury University’s Center for Lifelong and Extended Learning and the Ocean Pines Association, Inc. are partnering for a new “SU at the Beach” class and lecture series.
The program begins with a five-session SU Environmental Studies Faculty Lecture Series, from 2:30-4 p.m. on Fridays from Sept. 29-Nov. 3 at the Tern Grille at the Ocean Pines Golf Club. Presentations include:
• Sept. 29 – “Talking Trash: the Politics of Garbage”: Dr. Sarah Surak discusses the social, political, economic and ethical implications of how and why people create and manage waste in their daily lives.
• Oct. 6 – “Valuing Bird Biodiveristy Using Citizen Science Data from eBird”: Dr. Sonja Kolstoe speaks about how economists measure the nonmarket benefits of environmental goods and services, offering her research using citizen science data as an example.
• Oct. 13 – “When Living Kinds Disappear: Grief, Love and Wisdom in a Time of Mass Species Extinction”: Dr. James Hatley reflects on case studies, including those of the Honshu Wolf, Australian Quoll and American Bison, to question the significance of anthropogenic species extinction and the scope of humankind’s responsibilities in regard to it.
• Oct. 20 – “Before It’s Too Late: Conservation of Spotted Turtles on the Delmarva Peninsula”: Dr. Tami Ransom discusses steps to conserve regional spotted turtles, recently named one of the 10 U.S. species most threatened by habitat fragmentation.
• Oct. 27 – No lecture
• Nov. 3 – “Of Polar Bears and Climate Migrants: Visualizing the ‘New Face’ of Climate Change”: Dr. Shane Hall examines recent media discussions portraying climate change as a crisis both for and of migrants, who face some of climate change’s harshest impacts while often being portrayed as a threat to national borders and security.
The course fee is $35 for the series. To register, visit www.salisbury.edu/cell.
The classes and seminars are part of the “Salisbury University at the Beach” series, presented by SU’s Center for Extended and Lifelong Learning and the Ocean Pines Association, Inc.
For more information, contact Sawyer at 410-641-7717 ext. 3006 or email dsawyer@oceanpines.org.