By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Dec. 7, 2017) The United States Tennis Association denied the Town of Berlin’s grant application for $20,000 to be used for the renovation of the tennis courts at Stephen Decatur Park.
Administrative Services Director Mary Bohlen said the project, estimated to cost $320,000, including engineering work and lighting systems, would likely go back before the mayor and council on Jan. 22.
Bohlen said Community Parks and Playgrounds, which operates under the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, committed $215,000 to the project and the Town of Berlin Electric Department committed about $50,000 for the lighting. The town would have to decide how to make up the remaining balance, roughly $50,000.
Additional funding of $20,000 could come from Program Open Space, which also operates under the Department of Natural Resources. Program Open Space funding is allocated to Maryland counties, which can then opt to reallocate funds to the municipalities.
For the first time in several years, Worcester County was able to allocate $20,000 to Berlin. Berlin has applied to use the funds for the tennis courts project and initial approval has been given by the Department of Natural Resources.
The Maryland Board of Public Works has the final say over the actual funding commitment. The Berlin project is on their Dec. 6 agenda for review and approval.
The Town of Berlin has not received Program Open Space funding for several years, but Bohlen and other officials were hopeful some level of funding would return this year.
In other park projects news, Bohlen said site work was expected to begin soon for installation of permanent bathrooms at Dr. William Henry Park.
Funding is being pursued for permanent restrooms at Stephen Decatur Park, but Bohlen does not anticipate hearing back from granting agencies until spring.
The Berlin Parks Commission meeting on Dec. 5 was canceled. The commission is scheduled to meet next on Jan. 2 at 5:30 p.m. in Town Hall.