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Pines not likely to budget significant drainage dollars

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor

(Jan. 25, 2018) While many Ocean Pines residents have expressed concerns over drainage, the association likely will not spent a great deal of money on the problem during the next fiscal year.

Instead, as General Manager John Bailey said on Monday, he plans to reform a drainage work group and work on a long-term plan, before allocating more money or manpower.

The association on Saturday held a public hearing for homeowners to weigh in on the proposed fiscal year 2019 budget. Bailey, during a post-hearing gathering with the budget and finance committee meeting on Monday, said about 32 people had weighed in.

“Probably the one we heard the most about … was the whole drainage issue,” he said. “I know people were very passionate about that in their comments.”

Bailey said there was adequate staffing to deal with drainage, for now. He said most of Ocean Pines’ efforts in that area were reactive rather than proactive.

To get ahead of the issue, he said, would require help from the county and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, not to mention a significant increase in funding.

“The other piece is … a preventative maintenance plan on all the drainage ditches as well,” Bailey said. “We need to have a plan before we put more money into that … It goes back to, do we put money into the assessment before a plan or after a plan or in the meantime? So, I think that’s what it comes back to, and part of it is going to be communicating what I just said better as that plan gets developed. And, then there’s substantiation [for spending assessment dollars].”

Committee members agreed with Bailey’s approach.

“We have it noted,” Chairman John Viola said. “You are still assessing … I think that’s the right answer. It’s pragmatic.”

Committee member Larry Perrone said the other unresolved issue in the budget, for him, was a planned payroll increase and the already high cost of benefits.

“The big nut that we have to crack here is the 3 percent raise, which we don’t think is appropriate, and benefits have to be reevaluated,” he said. “I’ve heard a lot of talk about ‘we’re going to lose people, we’re going to lose people’ – I don’t believe it.

“We’re giving benefits that anybody on the street would just die for,” Perrone added. “It can be reduced and still be a good package … we’ve got a lot of fat in there that needs to be looked at.”

He recommended a 1.5 percent payroll increase and a reduction in health care spending.

As it stands, the association pays for 100 percent of coverage. Board members have apparently proposed an 80/20 split, with employees being asked to pay for 20 percent.

“There’s a way to do this and a way not to do it, in my opinion,” Bailey said. “If you do a zero increase in pay and you switch to 80/20, you’re cutting pay … I just don’t think that’s the right way to treat our employees.”

Committee member John O’Connor advocated a gradual decrease in benefits, but Perrone balked.

“I appreciate that John, but I’ve gotta tell you, these numbers are so high that I don’t think we can do it that way,” he said. “My opinion is we can’t ease into it. Our benefit package is not in line with any business that I have ever seen.

“I know over the past years boards have talked about it, [but] nobody has done anything,” Perrone continued. “Unfortunately we’re at that point – it has to be done and I think it’s time to pull the Band-Aid off. That’s just my opinion, but the board will have to deal with that.”

Upcoming budget meetings at the Tern Grill include a formal presentation to board members this Saturday at 10 a.m.

Board budget work sessions are scheduled Feb. 5-7, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily, and board members will host a budget hearing for membership on Feb. 10 at 10 a.m.

A vote to adopt the budget was set for Feb. 24 at 10 a.m. in the Assateague Room inside the community center on 235 Ocean Parkway.