By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

The Berlin Mayor and Council approved Steven Black, the owner of Arby’s on Route 50 in Berlin, to purchase and finance one additional equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) for the property during its meeting on Monday.
(July 16, 2020) The Berlin Mayor and Council unanimously agreed to allow Steven Black, the owner of Arby’s at 10627 Ocean Gateway in Berlin, to purchase and finance one additional equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) for the property during its meeting on Monday.
An equivalent dwelling unit is a unit measure by which a user is charged for sewer or water services.
The allocation of equivalent dwelling units is an estimate, said Mayor Gee Williams.
“We allocate those initial two EDUs as we did with Mr. Black, but it says after 24 months, those quotes will be re-evaluated,” said Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood.
Recent reassessments of businesses showed that Black’s property needed three equivalent dwelling units.
“We did receive his deposit check,” Fleetwood added.
District 2 Councilmember Zackery Tyndall asked the council to clarify that not all commercial equivalent dwelling units are being re-evaluated, only those that have been newly purchased.
Black said when a business owner asks for a building permit or changes to an aspect of the structure, equivalent dwelling units are evaluated at that time.
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