The Ocean Pines Architectural Review Committee takes a look at one of the items on the docket during its July 5 meeting. JACK CHAVEZ/BAYSIDE GAZETTE
The Ocean Pines Architectural Review Committee looked at the following appeals during its July 5 meeting:
Screened unit
The committee denied a request to allow a screened canopy to be used as living space on the deck of the residence at 23 Ivanhoe Court. In making the decision, committee chair John Dilworth told applicant John Fiori the basis for it.
“The only way that we can look at this — the only thing in the guidelines that comes anywhere near this is we have to consider this an alteration or an addition to the existing home (to pass it),” Dilworth said. “If you look at the alteration and existing home, there are specific design requirements that it has to be the same material as the house, same color, constructed in a way that adds and augments existing structure. It has to be permanently attached.”
“So when we looked to see something to hang our hat on here … what you have up there doesn’t meet any of (those guidelines.) There’s nothing that we can look into using the documents we use so that we can legitimately approve this thing. This is a temporary structure that you bought that can be taken up, put down, built like a tent, looks like a tent, made with material (used for tents). It’s not permanent. You can’t use it as living space. That’s really what it’s coming down to. We have no other option to look to.”
Detached garage
The committee approved an exception to allow a 9-foot driveway for a detached garage at 8 Crossbow Trail. Hurdles that applicants Mark and Marla Taylor needed to clear included a neighbor’s drainage concerns, which Mark Taylor said was ultimately found to be “no issue whatsoever,” and moving a 10 x 10-foot shed to another part of the yard.
The committee approved a request to install a 4-foot fence off the side property line at 8 Admiral Avenue. Applicant Joseph Crupi described the fence as “L-shaped.” He said the reason he wants the fence off the property line, aside from cosmetics, is the presence of a gas line. “If I put it coming off the house and straight down, that’s going to put the gas line between the fence and the hedges. God forbid something happens, we won’t be able to get at it.”
Deck construction
The committee approved a request to build a deck and handicap ramp that will extend beyond the 35-foot rear building restriction line by about seven feet at 3 Harpoon Road. A representative on behalf of applicant Kyle Colbert said the ramp has since been moved to the right side of the structure. Both the deck and ramp had been previously approved by Worcester County.
This story appears in the print version of the Bayside Gazette on July 7, 2022.