By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer
(March 12, 2020) Berlin Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood received approval from the mayor and Town Council on Monday for two electric utility administrative matters.

Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood
The first approved request was a resolution for wholesale electric purchase and authorizing the execution of schedules and confirmations with a master services agreement with American Municipal Power Inc.
This agreement will allow the town to enter a supply schedule and will be effective for deliveries to the town until Dec. 31, 2023. The town has reduced wholesale purchases of electricity energy costs by approximately eight percent, Fleetwood said.
“The mayor and Town Council recognize that the energy market changes quickly and the town now needs to make the most of energy cost reduction opportunities to keep electric rates low while exercising diligence and oversight over power purchase decisions,” Fleetwood said. “The electric market, as we speak now, natural gas prices are dropping … the contract we just signed is the lowest we’ve had in the prior three years.
Mayor Gee Williams approved of the strategy and how much money it has saved the town over the years.
“Since we started using the strategy, the rates have been considerably going down, contract to contract,” he said. “Whenever the rates are at their lowest, that’s when we seek bids, and then obviously we take the lowest bid.”
The second request was for an agreement to sign an agreement with Betts & Holts LLP to represent the town in legal matters concerning electric utilities. These services include assisting the town with preparing testimonies, providing data responses and negotiating arrangements related to the Purchased Power Cost Adjustment annual review.
“Betts & Holts has been a legal firm that the town has contracted with for a number of years,” Fleetwood said.
Both motions were passed unanimously.