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Berlin boards, commissions sessions halted

Light agendas give town time to make Zoom switch

By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Mayor Zack Tyndall

(Dec. 10, 2020) Berlin Mayor Zack Tyndall, after consulting with the Town Council, Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood, Town Attorney David Gaskill, and Police Chief Arnold Downing, has canceled all boards and commission meetings for the foreseeable future.

He made the decision on Nov. 23 until preparations can be made to meet entirely online.

As a result, the Board of Zoning of Appeals and the Historic District Commission meetings scheduled for Dec. 2 were canceled as well as the Planning Commission meeting scheduled for Wednesday.

Fleetwood said the boards and commission meetings were canceled because there were no pressing matters of business.

Deputy Town Administrator Mary Bohlen has been working with boards, commissions and council members to provide Zoom training so these

Jeff Fleetwood

groups can conduct their January meetings virtually.

The town has also taken additional steps to protect the health and safety of employees, residents, visitors and the business community by prohibiting the public at all Berlin Mayor and Council meetings. The meetings are streamed live on Facebook until preparations can be made for the mayor and council to meet over Zoom.

In addition, town government buildings, including Town Hall, the Planning and Zoning Office and the Berlin Welcome Center, are closed to the public and town employees are working modified schedules to protect their safety while continuing the local government’s work.

Asked if any staff members or elected officials had contracted the virus, Fleetwood said, “I am able to confirm that to the best of our knowledge no employee or council member has been in the workplace with COVID symptoms or as a result of a positive test.”