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Berlin Briefs

(Nov. 12, 2015) The Berlin mayor and Town Council discussed the following items during a public meeting at Town Hall on Monday.
Permits and licenses
The council voted 3-1 to approve a resolution on the town’s ability to withhold permits and licenses because of overdue accounts. Allen said the measure codified current town practices, allowing the town administrator to withhold permits or other licenses upon receipt of information that an applicant had outstanding town accounts.
As examples, Allen said overdue water or electric bills could prevent citizens from obtaining certain permits.
Councilmember Thom Gulyas was opposed.
Planning sessions
The council voted to approve a $46,382 contract with Environmental Resources Management to hold a series of upcoming planning sessions.
Allen said the sessions would include a communitywide workshop during an upcoming Friday-Sunday span.
The meetings would differ from the recent strategic planning sessions, Mayor Gee Williams said, because they would address long-term incremental growth.
Allen added that the sessions would help draw detail out of previous discussions, while identifying specific tools to help the town manage new growth.
“We need a little expertise to help guide that discussion and this planning firm provides that,” she said.
No date for the sessions was set.
Permit issued
The council issued a one-day permit for beer, wine and liquor sales to the Boggs-Disharoon American Legion Post 123 for an event on Nov. 22. Councilmember Elroy Brittingham said the exception was specifically for the legion’s annual district meeting.
Government Works
Town Administrator Laura Allen read a proclamation that designated November as “Municipal Government Works Month” in Berlin.
The statewide initiative is part of the Maryland Municipal League’s “Banner Cities” program.
Parade cap
Allen said the town had reached its maximum of 83 entries for the upcoming Christmas parade, 14 of which were new. Berlin also took in $3,305 in donations and $685 in entry fees to help run the annual event.