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Berlin Briefs

(Aug. 3, 2017) Town of Berlin briefs
William Street
Construction on William Street is likely to start within the next two to three weeks, according to Town Administrator Laura Allen. A preconstruction meeting occurred last Thursday.
William Street is the site of the next phase of stormwater improvements in the town.
Allen said the town would publicize ahead of time any road closures related to the project.  
“There will be some partial road closures, but we don’t have a schedule yet for that,” she said. “That will become more apparent when we get more into the project.”
Baker Street
The town will hold an informational meeting on upcoming road repairs on Baker Street on Thursday, Aug. 10 at 6 p.m. in Town Hall. Contractor Davis, Bowen & Friedel Inc. will attend.
“They’ve got a design that we’d like to go over with the residents, and the residents seem very interested in understanding what we’re doing and getting more information around the specifics of that project,” Allen said.
She said many of the questions from residents were about the oyster shell and concrete mixture currently in the center strip of Baker Street, which is considered historic. It’s also the last of its kind in Berlin.
“My understanding is there’s not a lot of contractors that work with that mixture any longer, but we really won’t know until we put that project out to bid,” Allen said.
She said that project would not start before Labor Day, because traffic on Baker Street and on nearby Main Street was particularly heavy this time of year.
Slow Down in Our Town
New banners hung throughout the town are asking motorists to “Slow Down in Our Town.” The Pedestrian Safety Committee designed the banners.
Allen said the campaign was part of the Berlin Police Department’s efforts to increase awareness for pedestrian and vehicle safety. She said some business owners and residents had expressed concerns as well.
“There were concerns about vehicles not necessarily being aware of pedestrians and then pedestrians not necessarily being sensitive to the fact that they really need to be crossing [the street] at a crosswalk and looking both ways when they cross,” she said.
Allen and Economic and Community Development Director Ivy Wells had a brainstorming session on the issue, and the new banners were created using the existing Pedestrian Safety Committee design.
“We think [the slogan] is catchy and appropriate,” Allen said. “We put the banners up recently in several locations throughout town. The plan is to have them up during the season, and we may keep them up a little longer into the fall.”
Allen said the intent is to increase awareness when there are many visitors who are unfamiliar with the town.