By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

The Berlin Board of Zoning Appeals approved Douglas and Suzanne Parks’ request for a variance to build a carport and shed at their home on Baker Street to protect their 1971 Volkswagen Beetle during a meeting on Aug. 5.
(Aug. 13, 2020) The Berlin Board of Zoning Appeals last Wednesday unanimously agreed to grant a variance that will allow a proposed carport and a shed to be built at 7 Baker St.
Homeowners Douglas and Suzanne Parks requested the accessory building to protect their 1971 Volkswagen Beetle.
“Plus, we have sold 115 Broad Street, so we are losing sheds that we had for storage, and that’s the reason for the shed that will be attached to the rear of the carport,” Suzanne Parks said.
According to the town code, an accessory building within residential districts “is supposed to be six feet off the side property line, six feet off the rear property line and six feet from any other structure,” said Planning Director Dave Engelhart.
The proposed carport would encroach on the minimum required yardage on the property line with the adjoining neighbor, JoAnne Wagner of 9 Baker St.
Wagner said in a letter that she has no objections to the project.
The staff recommendation was to approve the variance because the impact was minimal for the adjoining properties and the neighborhood, Engelhart said.
“Where this is being placed, I don’t think it’s a detriment to the neighborhood or any other residences on Baker Street,” Engelhart said. “I think it’s a low impact addition, so I would recommend approval.”
Vice Chairman Woody Bunting drew the site plans for the project and was compensated for the work.
“I did want the board aware, and if anyone does feel that I should recuse myself, that’s not a problem,” Bunting said. “I just wanted to make sure there were enough members here. I feel I can be impartial.”
The board agreed he could make an independent judgment.
No questions or comments were made during the public hearing via Facebook Livestream.
With the board’s approval, the homeowners will now obtain a building permit to begin construction.