Planning members give OK to incorporate restaurant, business into town’s fold

The Berlin Planning Commission issued a favorable recommendation to annex the former McDonald’s restaurant and Myers Tool Rental into the Town of Berlin during a meeting last Wednesday.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Dec. 19, 2019) An agreement to annex more than 100,000 square feet of property into the Town of Berlin was given a favorable recommendation by the Berlin Planning Commission last Wednesday.
Attorney Joseph Moore, of Williams, Moore, Shockley & Harrison in Ocean City, said the land is located on the south side of Route 50 and the east side of Seahawk Road.
There are 104,811 square feet eligi- ble for annexation, according to an Oct. 24 memorandum. The old McDonald’s restaurant and Myers Tool Rental properties are in question. The aforementioned area is also near the old Harley Davidson property on Route 50, according to Planning Director Dave Engelhart.
It’s designated as a C-2 Commercial zone in Worcester County, according to the annexation memorandum. If approved, the area would be rezoned to B-2 Shopping District within Berlin’s town limits.
“I will say to you, and it is important, we are already in a growth area, established by the Town of Berlin,” Moore said. “The growth area actually extends beyond the property to which we are asking you to recommend annexation.”
The property owners would also pay ready-to-serve fees associated with the allotted equivalent dwelling units, Moore said.
During the public hearing, resident Marie Velong asked several questions about the piping required and what would be involved with bringing these properties into the town’s fold.
“A lot of times we tend to add into things without taking [them] into consideration,” Velong said.
Moore answered her inquires, and said the properties would be connected to the town sewer. As for the financials, the property owners would bear the responsibility, he said.
Robert Mitchell, director of environmental programs for Worcester County, served as Moore’s witness for the annexation proposal. Mitchell also said that the properties are classified as W-1/S-1 (planned to be served within two years).
“So that is an area there that really is in need of public service,” Mitchell said.
Following the approval, the annexation agreement will go before the Town Council at a later date.