By Cindy Hoffman

(June 29, 2023) The Berlin Town council conducted a first reading of an ordinance this week that would provide for the use of speed cameras in designated school zones.
A school zone is a half-mile radius around a public or private school. The speed zone would operate between 6 a.m and 8 p.m. Streets would be determined by the council.
Mayor Zack Tyndall announced that a public meeting will be held on the speed cameras in school zones on at 7 p.m., July 10.
The council also authorized annual contracts for vendors in Fiscal Year 2024. The only discussion related was a request by Councilman Jay Knerr to consider issuing a request for proposals for IT services for the next fiscal year.
The council also approved amendments to the employee handbook that included compensation, hours of attendance and grievance procedures. Tyndall said the town is exploring buying 65 cell phones for staff and council. He said the Office of the Attorney General recommended the purchase.
In other business, with the use of marijuana becoming legal in Maryland Saturday, the mayor and council see no need to rush into the discussion of how the town should deal with its proliferation in the community.
Instead, town officials want to see what other communities are doing before deciding how to react.