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By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer
(Nov. 30, 2023) The Berlin mayor and Town Council discussed events, police pension funding and roads during their Monday meeting.
A motion was approved for two changes to the 2024 town event schedule. The Fall Cruisers event was moved to Saturday, Oct. 12 to coincide with the Ocean City Fall cruisers event. That move caused the Oktoberfest to move to Saturday, Oct. 19 with a rain date of Sunday, Oct. 20.
A motion to phase out the planned use of casino funds for Law Enforcement Officers Pension System (LEOPS) was tabled until the December council meeting.
Currently, the town covers all of the expenses for LEOPS with casino funds in its multi-year spending plan. This was approved earlier this month by the Local Development Council (LDC) of Worcester County, with the caveat that the town would agree to phase out relying on casino funds for LEOPS in its next multi-year plan.
But Mayor Zack Tyndall noted that the council cannot legally bind future councils, obligating the council to table the motion so members can look at language that will acknowledge the request of the LDC without locking in a future council to a decision.
In an email poll vote, the council unanimously approved proceeding with Straight Line to perform striping and related work on Seahawk Road between Route 50 and Flower Street. The cost of the project is $20,000 and will be covered with reallocated money from this year’s budget.