Berlin Town Hall
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(June 20, 2019) Berlin’s Mayor and Council approved two requests to use town facilities for upcoming events last Monday. Elected officials also waived the park fees.
Walk at park
The Grace Center for Maternal and Women’s Health was permitted to use Stephen Decatur Park for a walk next month.
The walk will take place from 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. on July 20 at Stephen Decatur Park on Tripoli Street in Berlin.
Chairwoman Amy Mike said she wants the event to coincide with the recently launched Worcester Goes Purple movement.
The county initiative helps to prevent substance abuse.
Mike added the walk would be a family-oriented event, and “people could decorate strollers” for the walk.
“… [It’s] more to … use your beautiful facilities here and get our name out here,” Mike said.
Mike added T-shirts and snacks would be available for purchase.
Managing Director Jeff Fleetwood pointed out the organization’s certificate of insurance would soon expire, and asked Mike to update the necessary forms.
Councilman Elroy Brittingham moved to approved the organization’s request under Fleetwood’s aforementioned conditions. The vote was unanimous.
The park fee of $50 was waived by the council.
“I hope you have good weather and a good turnout,” Mayor Gee Williams said.
Youth basketball camp
Ocean City Baptist Church was allowed to use the courts at Dr. William Henry Park for a youth basketball camp next month.
Dustin Wheelock and Sean Davis, representatives for Ocean City Baptist Church, said the camp would be for children in kindergarten through eighth grades.
The camp would run from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. July 15-19 at Dr. William Henry Park on Flower Street in Berlin.
Church representatives expect roughly 125 children to attend the camp, according to the registration form.
“I think the Henry Park venue would be ideal,” Williams said.
Wheelock said registration will cost $50 per child, but said were scholarships available for students unable to afford the camp.
The church will use two courts at the park, and requested a waiver of the $500 park fees.
Councilman Dean Burrell appeared perplexed by the church’s request to waive park fees without also reducing the cost of the registration.
Wheelock added the church would need to purchase two smaller basketball hoops for the younger children. Children would also receive T-shirts.
“We’re just trying to cover costs,” Wheelock said.
Councilman Zack Tyndall also asked church to mention the camp’s scholarship opportunities in upcoming advertisements, and church officials agreed.
Mary Bohlen, administrative services director for the Town of Berlin, said the church initially brought their request to the Parks Commission and presented the camp as “free for children.”
Now that a fee is being charged for the camp, a separate form must be filled out and approved, Bohlen said.
Burrell moved to approve the church’s request, but included filling out the appropriate forms as a stipulation of the Town Council’s approval.
The vote was unanimous.