Berlin Mayor Gee Williams last November addresses a newly formed advisory committee that will aid in developments at Berlin Falls Park.
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Oct. 25, 2018) Nearly one year ago, on Nov. 16, 2017, The Berlin Falls Park Committee met for the first time.
Mayor Gee Williams said the initial meeting was a long time coming and that some had laughed at the notion of transforming a former industrial property into a multi-use public park.
He said what would become of the property would be up to the committee to recommend to the mayor and council.
“I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to be able to … transfer the responsibility for this very unique opportunity to you folks,” he said last November.
Williams, as he has done frequently in Town Council meetings, said fully realizing the potential of the 60-acre former chicken-processing plant property could take generations.
“What this property may become and will become … is in your hands. And I am not only grateful, I’m excited,” he said. “I can’t be more grateful for the potential that you bring.”
Williams returned to again address the committee last Thursday, now led by Chairwoman Amy Field and Vice Chairman Jack Orris, with help from Town Administrator Laura Allen and Project Manager David Deutsch.
“[Williams] gave a great little rundown of what his current thinking was and is, regarding naming and future projects for funding,” Orris said. “The town can’t foot the bill for everything, so we have to look at various ways of fundraising.
“He seemed very pleased that we’re not rushing into anything,” he continued. “We’ve been methodical about what we’re doing. We’re listening to all of the options, we’re hearing people’s opinions and we’re taking our time, while still understanding that we all want to see something going on.”
Since forming, the committee voted to recommend demolishing rather than renovating a large building on the property, partly because the other option was cost prohibitive. Razing the building was estimated to cost about $600,000, versus more than $2 million to rehabilitate it.
The group also endorsed the concept of an amphitheater and to use a Conservation Community Consulting LLC interpretive plan for the section deemed to remain as a passive-use park.
In 11 months, the committee has reviewed several studies and heard presentations from several potential partners, including the Worcester County Recreation and Parks Department. Last Thursday, they again met with officials from the nonprofit YMCA of the Chesapeake, including CEO Robbie Gill.
“They talked about what kind of options they would be able to foresee for having a Y on the Berlin Falls Park property,” Orris said. “It was a good Q&A with some great questions.”
Between the YMCA and Worcester Recreation and Parks, Orris said the committee now has plenty of options.
“Everybody is in agreement that Berlin wants and needs a recreation facility — now we just need to figure out the minutia of how that would work and what organizations [would be a part of that], because we can’t do it ourselves,” he said.
Orris added that Berlin could work with more than one group.
“I don’t think that it’s going to be one or the other,” he said. “I think partnerships can be made with various organizations, regardless of profit status or government status. That’s something we’re going to have to work out.
“I think it’s important for the committee to keep an open mind on all the options that are available,” Orris continued. “The ideas are limitless, but then it comes down to funding and partnerships.”
Near the end of the meeting, Orris said a discussion ensued on how to make future committee meetings more effective. He said several subcommittees would form and committee members made known their interests in different subjects, including naming and planning.
“I think there’s some feeling the meetings may be running a bit long,” Orris said, adding he, Field, Allen and Deutsch would address “being more efficient with the time allotted” during the next Berlin Falls Park Committee meeting, scheduled on Nov. 15 at 6 p.m. at Town Hall.