By Ally Lanasa, Staff Writer

Brett and Megan Hines opened The Buzz Meadery in Berlin on June 25 and are regulars at the Berlin Farmers Market, selling honey mead with locally sourced ingredients.
(July 30, 2020) The Berlin Farmers Market is expanding its schedule to meet demand, and will now run until Sunday, Sept. 27 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m.
This is not the first year that the farmers market has been extended because of its popularity, said Economic & Community Development Director Ivy Wells.
“The farmers have an extended season, and they also grow in greenhouses now,” Wells said. “I surveyed the farmers to see if they would like to extend the season, and they all said yes.”
In addition, The Berlin Farmers Market Facebook page is hosting an event through Aug. 10 called “Recipes from The Berlin Farmers Market.” Social media users may post recipes with ingredients from the market with a photo. Prizes will be awarded to the most liked recipes.
The market is located on Pitts Street, Commerce Street and Main Street in downtown Berlin.
Visitors can find locally grown and produced fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, flowers, baked goods, jams, salsas, mead and tea.
According to the Berlin Main Street website, special senior shopping time is 8:30 a.m.-9 a.m. amid coronavirus concerns.
Masks are required and visitors should practice social distancing standards.
For more information about the market, visit