By Greg Ellison
(April 15, 2021) The Berlin Historic District Commission approved several sign requests, an outside dining area for a Williams Street eatery and a backyard playground at Buckingham Presbyterian Church during its meeting last Wednesday.
Sterling Tavern
Sterling Tavern proprietor Matt Borrelli received approval for a 32-inch carved wooden sign to hang outside the soon-to-be-opened establishment at 119 N. Main Street.
“We’re hoping to open in early May,” he said. “We’re just waiting on the health ordinances.”

The Berlin Historic District Commission approved signage for the Sterling Tavern at 119 N. Main Street last Wednesday.
The Sterling Tavern sign features a fishing rod crossed with a shotgun, flanked on either side by a duck decoy and rockfish.
Borrelli said a firm launch date would be announced once licensing requirements are finalized.
J+W Meat Market
Heidi Johnson received approval to install decking and fencing to accompany an awning-covered carryout window at the 101 Williams Street location.
Johnson said the intent is to provide an appealing outdoor dining area.
“Our goal is to accomplish a floating deck made of natural wood,” she said.
The 15-by-18-foot area would provide a more ideal spot to locate picnic tables currently placed on asphalt.
“We’re in the process of applying for a beer-wine license,” she said.
The revamped pick-up window would allow patrons to order and be served without entering the facility.
“We have put an 8-foot bar inside in front of the window,” she said.
Johnson said the dining area inside the J+W Meat Market gets congested during peak times and delays outdoor patrons from ordering.
“We’ll have a service station there,” she said. “If people don’t want to enter the building, they don’t even have to step foot.”
Plans also include a handicapped-accessible ramp for the outdoor deck.
“We hope to add another register so people won’t have to wait in that line,” she said.
East & Main Shore Supply

The Berlin Historic District Commission approved signage for the East & Main Shore Supply at 17 N. Main Street last Wednesday.
East & Main Shore Supply owner Michael Cosman was approved for a 17.5 x 42-inch dark stained wooden printed hanging sign.
Cosman intends to locate the sign under an overhang in front of the 17 N. Main Street location.
Buckingham Presbyterian Church
Buckingham Presbyterian Church was approved to install playground equipment in the rear yard of the 20 S. Main Street location.
Based on concerns raised by neighbors, the approval contained a condition relating to replanting trees.
In a letter addressed to the Historic District Commission, a neighbor said shade trees had been removed before to the playground installation was approved.
The commission gave church officials the go-ahead to install a sliding board/ climbing apparatus combination based on an agreement to replace buffer trees and bushes between the playground and neighboring properties.