Berlin’s Historic District Commission unanimously approved a new sign for a medicinal herbs shop on 12 Artisans Way in downtown Berlin.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Sept. 12, 2019) Members of Berlin’s Historic District Commission approved several requests during a meeting last Wednesday evening.
New porch
The Berlin Historic District Commission permitted residents Joe and Pat Pylypczuk to add a porch to the back of their home on 303 S. Main St.
The addition would be 23 feet long and 20 feet wide, according to construction plans.
“It’s a no-brainer. It looks nice,” Commission member Laura Stearns said of the plans.
Vice Chairman Robert Poli moved to approve the Pylypczuk’s request, which Stearns seconded.
New business
Members of Berlin’s Historic District Commission unanimously approved a new sign for a shop on 12 Artisans Way.
Property owner Erin Bilenki said that the new business, Health Freedom, would focus on selling medicinal herbs and other items typically found in an apothecary.
The store was formerly an organic grocery market.
She added the aesthetic of the existing structure would stay the same, but the name would change.
Commission member Norman Bunting moved to approve the request, which Poli seconded.