A large crowd of Town of Berlin employees attend an annual employee recognition ceremony in Town Hall, last Friday. Pictured with Mayor Gee Williams, center, are Ricky Dennis from Berlin Public Works, left, and Lt. Jeffrey “J.D.” Lawson of the Berlin Police Department, right.
By Marshall Gabell, Intern
(March 29, 2018) The Town of Berlin on Friday honored five employees for a combined 80 years of service.
During a ceremony at Town Hall, Mayor Gee Williams recognized Ricky Dennis from Berlin Public Works, Sharon Timmons from the economic and community development department, and Berlin Police Department workers Lt. Jeffrey “J.D.” Lawson, Police S.O. Joseph Kerr and Pco. Lisa Purnell.
Williams applauded those awarded for their service and said advancements made during the last several decades were a credit to the entire municipal workforce, stretching from the Berlin Public Works Department to the Berlin Police Department.
He said the dedication of employees led to the success of the many events that are a signature of the town.
“Every single department plays some role in making these events, not only happen, but happen with good taste and with joyous feeling and with minimal incidents,” Williams said. “I think we’ve earned, because of everyone’s contribution here regardless of what department you work for, fun in Berlin is not a four-letter word.”
He said the town was renowned for its hospitality.
“Working for Berlin is like being in a close-knit family,” Williams said. “Our employees are hard workers and deserve to be recognized, especially after all the advancements we have made. They are a key part to our success.”
Kerr celebrated five years, Dennis has worked for the town for 10 years and Timmons was honored for 15 years of service, most recently taking on a lead role in the revamped Berlin Visitors Center.
Lawson, who also recognized the town for advancements during his tenure, was the sole service member that celebrated 20 years.
“I use to joke that a new police department wouldn’t be built until well after I retired,” Lawson said after the ceremony. “It’s amazing how quickly our town has come together and advanced over the last two decades.”
Purnell, a 911 operator, was recognized for 30 years of service.