By Morgan Pilz, Staff Writer
Deadline to vote for Arabella, 4 months, Tuesday, Feb. 25
(Feb. 20, 2020) Berlin resident Arabella Pinkney-Gully is only 4 months old and already starring in a beauty pageant, the winner of which will be announced next Tuesday.

By Morgan Pilz
Berlin resident Tamara Pinkney-Gully holds her 4-month-old daughter, Arabella, who is participating in the Little Miss Beauty pageant online. The deadline to vote is Tuesday, Feb. 25.
Arabella’s parents, Tamara and Christopher, discovered the Little Miss Beauty pageant in January on Facebook. As of Tuesday, Arabella was ranked fifth in Maryland and 319th in the country for the 0-4 years old division. The pageant is both state and nationwide, with the first place for states winning $300 and the national winner taking home a jackpot prize of over $4,000.
“I was just going through Facebook and it just popped up and I clicked on it and I was like, ‘Oh, this is interesting,’” Tamara said.
This is not the first beauty pageant for the infant, who completed her first in January and finished fourth in Maryland, after only participating for 12 days.
The Pinkney-Gully family decided to put their infant daughter into pageants because of her love for the camera.
“She loves the camera,” Tamara said. “As soon as she sees the flash, she starts kicking her feet and goes crazy. She just loves it.”
The competition, which began on Sunday, Feb. 9, has more than 4,500 contestants for the 0-4-year-old division.
Voters can offer 10 free votes a day, or choose to donate cash for votes. For instance, 150 votes costs $3.99, 400 votes are $7.99, 1,000 votes are $12.99, 2,000 votes costs $24.99, all the way up to 20,000 votes for $189.99.
“I think people should vote for Arabella because she brings light in everybody’s world that she meets and she’s just a lovable 4-month-old,” Tamara said.
If Arabella ranks in the February competition, she will be able to compete in the March competition as well.
However, there will more opportunities for Arabella to dress up for the camera, as her family was recently approached about an opportunity to model. Her parents have considered giving Arabella a modeling career once she is older.
Votes can be made for Arabella at