Photo by Morgan Pilz
The Red Knights Motorcycle Club escorted the Junior Berlin Little League All-Star team from Salisbury to the Worcester Athletic Complex in Berlin on Monday, Aug. 19, after the boys participated in the World Series in Taylor, Michigan. The team finished fourth in the nation in its division and ranked eighth in the world.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Sept. 5, 2019) Mayor Gee Williams took a moment to acknowledge the success of Berlin Little League during the Town Council meeting last Monday evening.
“This is unprecedented,” Williams said. “I don’t think this kind of achievement … continuing level of success has ever been experienced by a town of our size.”
Out of 1,500 U.S. Junior Little League teams, the Junior Berlin Little League All Stars team was ranked fourth nationally, and ranked eighth internationally, according to Head Coach Kris Mandley. The team returned from the World Series in Taylor, Michigan, on Aug. 19. A police procession and the Maryland Red Knights Motorcycle Club escorted them home.
Additionally, Williams said that three boy’s little league baseball teams and the girl’s little league softball team also won Maryland state championships. He added that the last time more than one team won a state championship was in 2011. Little League in Berlin began in the 1950s.
“So this is an unprecedented accomplishment in the 50-year history of Berlin Little League, and on behalf of the mayor and council and the citizens of Berlin, we wish every player on the Berlin Little League teams to know that you brought pride and honor to yourselves, your families and your community,” Williams said.
Berlin’s Little League has several divisions, including major, intermediate and junior leagues. Each group varies in ages. For more information, visit the club’s website at berlinlittle- league.org/.
Williams said that the Town of Berlin would also participate in upcoming festivities scheduled to celebrate the children’s accomplishments. However, the specifics behind the event are unclear.