Plan would set town’s tax rate by second March mtg.

Town Administrator Laura Allen reads the proposed tax rate review policy during a Town Council meeting Monday night.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(June 27, 2019) A policy designed to set the town’s tax rate further in advance was unanimously approved by the Berlin Town Council Monday night.
Town officials cited community member comments during the fiscal year 2020 budget cycle “indicating taxes should have been raised sooner,” according to the policy.
The policy would require town officials to review projections “at or before the second meeting in January.” Officials would set a public hearing date for the tax rate by the second meeting in February, with the tax rate being set by the second meeting in March.
Town Administrator Laura Allen said the policy would take a more aggressive approach to the budget process.
“The idea here is to schedule an ongoing rate review, and review of short-term and long-term financial projections, and to have the tax rate set early enough in the budget process to be able to have the department directors build their budgets with that tax rate in mind,” Allen said.
Councilman Zack Tyndall requested a portion of the policy include additional information to provide “an overview of where we stand on expendable reserves.”
Allen complied and suggested it be labeled “general fund reserves” in order to cover multiple categories.
Tyndall moved to approve the tax rate review policy, which received a 4-0 vote from the Town Council.
Councilman Dean Burrell was absent from Monday’s meeting.