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Berlin Memorial Day Parade returns, Monday

(May 26, 2016) One of Berlin’s oldest traditions returns Monday, as the communitywide Memorial Day celebration takes place on Flower Street.
The annual parade will begin at 8 a.m. and will run from Stephen Decatur Middle School to Dr. William Henry Park.
Dozens of school and community groups are scheduled to travel the mile-long route, including car clubs and motorcycle groups, dance troops and musical groups.
The origins of the annual celebration date back to at least the middle part of the last century. At one point, however, interest and other factors caused the event to fade.
Then, about 24 years ago, local businessman Jesse Turner helped bring Memorial Day back to Flower Street.
Turner, who served in the United States Army, and owns and operates Berlin Shoe Box & Shoe Repair on Main Street, is modest about his involvement in planning the massive event.  
“It came back through the church at one time and they knew I knew how to organize parades, so it just went from there,” he said. “Nobody else wanted to do it.”
A group of volunteers, led by Turner, generally start planning for the parade in January, bringing together dozens of civic, church and community groups. Vendor Booths will line Flower Street, with children’s activities set on the grounds of the multipurpose building, and yard sale tables set up inside.
The effect of having so many diverse people and groups coming together for a single event, said Turner, makes the Old Fashioned Memorial Day feel like something of a homecoming.
“It’s almost like a family reunion,” he said. “We’ve got people scattered all over – Pennsylvania, New York – and they all come home. We hope they all enjoy it and hope they come back again next year.”