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Berlin moves forward with strategic planning process

By Cindy Hoffman, Staff Writer

(Aug. 31, 2023) The Berlin Town Council on Monday agreed to enter into a contract to develop a strategic plan for the town with Business, Economic and Community Outreach Network (BEACON) of the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University.

The project will be conducted in three phases.

Phase one will include the development of a survey for Berlin residents to evaluate the town’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. This is called a SWOT analysis.

A similar SWOT survey will be conducted with town elected officials and department leaders as well as a telephone interview with elected officials.

Phase two will include listening sessions with key constituents, the development of a sub-group composed of elected officials, department leaders and constituent group representatives to focus on the strategic plan. A retreat with elected officials and constituents will be held.

Phase three will result in a complete strategic plan of projects and initiatives for the town based on the findings from the retreat.

BEACON will provide a 39 percent discount in the cost of these services in return for using the study as an experiential learning opportunity for graduate students at the business school. Each phase will cost the town $9,300.

The current agreement allows for phase one to begin. The council will have to vote again on the spending for phase two and three.