Town services will continue amid coronavirus concerns; parks, playgrounds closed
(April 9, 2020) Berlin Mayor Gee Williams issued his weekly statement on Monday with updates concerning covid-19 (coronavirus) and the town.
The Town of Berlin continues to actively monitor the evolving situation regarding covid-19 (coronavirus).

Berlin Mayor Gee Williams
All town services continue to be provided. Town employees are working on a modified work schedule to minimize the number of people working at town offices or utility departments. Employees are working from home by telework whenever possible.
Please note that all Town of Berlin and Berlin Chamber of Commerce public events have been cancelled through the end of June 2020. Berlin previously announced the cancellation of all events in April but has extended the cancellations though June.
Town parks and playgrounds will remain closed through the end of May at a minimum. This decision will be re-evaluated later this spring as the conditions of the coronavirus health emergency evolve.
Meetings conducted by the Town of Berlin will resume next Monday, but in strict accordance with Gov. Larry Hogan’s stay-at-home order and guidelines.
Equipment has been secured to enable the town to have Berlin mayor and council meetings that are available to public access by way of electronic livestreaming format for immediately foreseeable future.
The first livestream council meeting will be next Monday, April 13 at 5:30 p.m. This will be a General Fund work session, which is the next step in preparing our 2021 town budget.
Immediately after the work session on April 13, the regular session of the Berlin Mayor and Council will begin at 7 p.m., also on livestream.
Two weeks later, on Monday, April 27 at 5:30 p.m. the council will livestream our Utilities Fund budget work session, immediately followed by a regular session at 7 p.m. that will also be livestreamed to the public.
The live video feed of the mayor and council meetings will be available on the town’s Facebook page, which is accessible by clicking on the Facebook icon at the top of our webpage or directly via Facebook by typing @berlinmd in the search bar.
Following the meetings, the video recording will be available for future reference via the town’s website. This information is also available on our town website:, Berlin’s Facebook page and Berlin’s public access tv channel.
Only the mayor and council and up to three town staff will be in attendance at these meetings. Town department heads will be allowed to make presentations only one person at a time.
The public may submit comments and questions in advance prior to these meetings in four ways: electronically via email or text, fax, or by USPS mail. Please note any communications must be received by no later than noon on the day of a meeting.
Questions and comments will be compiled for the mayor and council to review and discuss during the meeting. Send these communications to either of the following four ways: email: please use M&C Comments in the subject; fax: 410-641-2316; In the drop boxes located behind Town Hall and at the corner of Bay and William streets; USPS mail: Town of Berlin, 10 William Street, Berlin, Maryland 21811
Note: To reach the Town of Berlin in time, any traditional mailed communications must be in the USPS system by no later than the US Post Office’s close of business the Friday before a Monday meeting.
Any town notices and statements related to this public health emergency are distributed to all local news media, posted on our town website:, Facebook page, public access channel and by notices displayed outside of Town Hall.
Information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and any alerts or additional information about the coronavirus that pertains to Worcester County is also displayed on our town website.
Your mayor and council members are grateful that our community is following the “stay-at-home order” issued a week ago by Gov. Larry Hogan. The expected peak of the spread of COVID-19 in Maryland remains unknown. Updates of further orders from our governor will continue to be shared by the Town of Berlin.
We are encouraged by your actions in our community to take public distancing and minimizing exposure to others seriously during this emergency.
None of us has ever experienced a pandemic before, but by all of us following Maryland’s statewide order we can all do our part in minimizing the spread and horrible effects of covid-19.
There has never been a time since our community’s founding when our understanding that we are all part of the extended family of Berlin is of more importance. Please Take Care.
– Mayor Wm. Gee Williams III
Town of Berlin, Maryland