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Berlin park naming effort now has timeline

Members of the Berlin Falls Park Committee last Thursday go over a list of potential new names for the property, a former industrial site on Old Ocean City Boulevard.

By Josh Davis, Associate Editor

(March 28, 2019) Heron Park, Legacy Park, Adventure Park, Pride Park and Boulevard Park are among the alternate names being considered for what’s currently known as Berlin Falls, the 64-acre former industrial site on Old Ocean City Boulevard.

Town Councilman Zack Tyndall and other members of the Berlin Falls Park Committee last week discussed a rough timeline to release naming options in the form of a public survey.

Tyndall said public comment on the renaming has so far been underwhelming, with an online campaign only drawing about five submissions – and two of those were made by committee members, he added.

Plans are to release an online survey to the public in time for Take Pride in Berlin Week, April 20-27. The survey will also include the current park name, Berlin Falls, as well as a write-in option.

After the public has a chance to weigh in, committee members will make a recommendation before the mayor and council. Tyndall said ideally a name could be selected and announced in time for the annual Berlin Peach Festival, this year scheduled Aug. 3.

“Make it a cool summer event,” Tyndall said.

Committee members, meanwhile, have discussed a social media campaign to increase awareness of park developments and upcoming events. Public tours of the park and an information booth are planned to coincide with Berlin’s Clean-Up Day, April 27.

“It really would be nice to be able to promote it better,” committee member Kate Patton said of social media efforts.

The park currently has a Facebook page viewable at