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Berlin Peach Festival returns Aug. 1 at Taylor House Museum

(July 23, 2015) The seventh annual Berlin Peach Festival will be held Saturday, Aug. 1, from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., on the grounds of the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum, 208 North Main Street.  
Admission is free. Rain date for the festival will be Sunday, Aug. 2, at the same time. Off-site parking is available at Berlin Intermediate School, with shuttles to and from the festival.
Mayor Gee Williams will officially open the festival with help from Little Miss and Little Mister Berlin Peach 2014. All afternoon, attendees will be able to stroll among the displays, demonstrations and sales tables. There will be peaches for sale from a variety of Delmarva growers (the type of peach and its grower depends on what is ripe at that time).
Vendors include Adcock Art Studio, Bogan Pottery, Bungalow Love (terrariums), Dasia Doodles (caricatures), debidean (jewelry), Laura Ellison (jewelry), Historic St. Martin’s Church (museum items), Little Miss Lovely Floral Design, Love Byrd Soaps, Patricia Rouch (American Girl Doll clothes), Angela Rocco (photography and jewelry), St. Martin’s Community Church, Seadrift Sculptures, Dana Tull (creatively bent silverware and jewelry).  
Demonstrations include Linda Davis’ baskets and quilted goods, Ocean Breeze Alpacas and Wes Townsend’s Back Street Apiary.
Food vendors include the Arcadia Questers, Baked Dessert Café & Gallery, the Berlin Coffee House, the Berlin Lions and Lionesses, Buckingham Presbyterian Church, Chesapeake Bay Farms Creamery, Stevenson United Methodist Church and the Worcester County Developmental Center. Information booths will be provided by The Harrison Family, Main Street Berlin and more.      
Children’s activities begin at 11:30 a.m. as the kids “shake their booties” to make ice cream the old-fashioned way. Other activities for the kids include face painting, juggling by Cascading Carlos, photo cut-outs and temporary peach tattoos. Additional entertainment will feature Micky Justice and a children’s violin / fiddle ensemble.
As in the past, there will be a pie-baking contest, two pie-eating contests and a container of peach pits to guess, with prizes for all the winners. In addition, attendees may purchase raffle tickets from the Berlin Heritage Foundation for a basket filled with prizes worth more than $250.
All afternoon, the Calvin B. Taylor House Museum will be open for tours of the historic 1832 house, as well as of the upstairs exhibition “Images of the Past.” In addition, the Museum will have a sales and membership information booth.
The seventh annual Peach Festival is sponsored by the Berlin Heritage Foundation. Funding for this event is in part provided by the Worcester County Arts Council, Maryland State Arts Council and the National Endowment for the Arts, organizations dedicated to cultivating a vibrant cultural community where the arts thrive.  
The Berlin Heritage Foundation thanks the many additional organizations and individuals working to make the day a success for their support. For more information, contact Susan Taylor at 410-641-1019 or email at