Designation declared for Nov., highlighted several services offered in town

Jeff Fleetwood, Berlin’s town administrator, right, reads a proclamation declaring November as Municipal Government Works Month during a Town Council meeting Tuesday evening.
By Rachel Ravina, Staff Writer
(Nov. 14, 2019) Town of Berlin services and staff, as well as residents, were recognized as part of Municipal Government Works Month this November.
The Berlin mayor and Town Council issued a proclamation during a meeting Tuesday evening.
Town Administrator Jeff Fleetwood emphasized the importance of Berlin’s designation as a municipality, when it was incorporated in 1868.
“The reality is … that municipal government represents the most responsive level of government with citizens, that’s because of its size,” Fleetwood said.
Mayor Gee Williams agreed.
“It’s interesting to me,” he said. “It’s nice that we do recognize this because so much I think what municipal governments do is [it] basically affects people’s day-to-day lives with a form of government closest to the people.”
Since 1993, numerous cities and towns throughout the state have recognized November as Municipal Government Works Month, according to the Maryland Municipal League. It acknowledges “citizens’ awareness of and interest in the government in their communities.”
Towns can elect to celebrate this month through a variety of ways, including issuing a proclamation, holding an open house or implementing a social media campaign, according to the Maryland Municipal League.
It’s unclear how long the Town of Berlin has participated, but Williams estimated officials began recognizing the designation “in recent years.”
Fleetwood said the proclamation’s purpose is to recognize town staff and the work they do to increase the overall experience of living and working in Berlin. He emphasized that “it also recognizes the citizens of the town.”
The commendation highlighted several initiatives such as hosting and helping with community events and working with area businesses to provide free shuttle services to those events.
Additionally, Fleetwood said the town has improved it services, including replacing sidewalks and collecting recycling. He added that the electric utility recently received a safety award from American Municipal Power, Inc.
Williams said he hopes the procla- mation promotes a sense of camaraderie throughout town because “we’re in this together.”