The Town of Berlin is accepting applications from residents through July 19 for upcoming vacancies on various boards, committees and commissions.

Main Street in Berlin is pictured.
Mallory Panuska Ames / Bayside Gazette
By Tara Fischer, Staff Writer
The Town of Berlin is accepting applications for upcoming vacancies on various boards, committees and commissions. The deadline for interested residents is Friday, July 19.
Berlin citizens who wish to serve their community are welcome to apply. There are two vacancies in the Arts and Entertainment Committee, one on the Board of Supervisors of Elections, four on the Board of Zoning Appeals, and three on the Ethics Commission.
There are three vacancies on the Historic District Commission, two on the Housing Board of Review, three on the Horticulture Advisory Committee, and two on the Parks Commission. The Planning and Zoning Commission has no currently available positions, but spots are expected to open in November.
Berlin Mayor Zack Tyndall said that current seat holders must undergo the same process as new applicants. Candidates will fill out the document, which requests their name, contact information, an indication of which committee they wish to serve and why and a formal resume. They will then be invited to an interview, where they will meet Tyndall, his assistant, Sara Gorfinkel, town administrator Mary Bohlen, and the department chair.
A nomination is presented to the council for approval after the discussions.
“It is very consistent throughout,” Gorfinkel said. “It does not matter how long you have served on the committee. Everyone goes through the same process.”
While the July 19 application deadline is for first consideration and not a hard deadline, the mayor maintains that historically, committees receive more candidates than available positions.
The application can be found on the Town of Berlin’s website under the Government tab on the Boards, Commissions, and Committees page. The same site also contains a meeting schedule and each group’s outlined goals and missions.
“We all have different backgrounds,” Tyndall said. “If people want to serve and are focused on one area, there is a pathway to do that. I am here for the service and enjoy serving my community. It is a nice way to give back.”