Group will meet again on Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. at town hall; health dept. to attend
By Josh Davis, Associate Editor
(Jan. 18, 2018) A moratorium on new tattoo business was extended for 120 days by the Berlin Town Council last Monday to allow the Tattoo Ordinance Committee more time to draft regulations.
Committee Chairman Matthew Amey said at the first committee meeting, in December, the group discussed several possibilities, but “determined that we don’t have enough time … and we would request another moratorium for 120 days.”
“Our goal is to be able to have something to present to the town before the next 120 days,” he said.
Amey, a Berlin resident and tattoo artist who works in Delaware, said the first meeting went well overall.
“We’re excited,” he said. “I felt as though everyone that came to the table had a lot of insight into what I think all of us agree we would like to see in terms of, not only public health and safety, but also sort of the aesthetic that we hope to allow the town to embrace.
“I’m positive we’re going to come to an amicable outcome,” Amey added.
Mayor Gee Williams endorsed the postponement.
“It’s better to do a good job than to do a fast job,” he said. “This is a collaborative effort.”
Williams said consideration must be given to “the values and image of the community.” He praised Councilman Zack Tyndall for suggesting the moratorium and committee at a council meeting last year.
He said the ordinance is important so “somebody who doesn’t share our values and our pride doesn’t come in and mess it up for everybody.”
Tyndall, who serves on the committee, added, “Thus far … I think we’ve done a great job of discussing a lot of possibilities and we have a lot of expertise sitting at the table here. I think [in] 120 days we can definitely bring something that’s worthy of the council’s approval.”
Councilman Dean Burrell, also a committee member, promised there were “fantastic things coming … that will put Berlin on the right track and again be an example in the county.”
The Town Council unanimously approved the extension.
Officials from the Worcester County Health Department are expected to attend the next committee meeting on Jan. 25 at 6 p.m. in Town Hall. Town Attorney David Gaskill will also attend.